Verizon Wireless - Network Equipment Center Expansion Upgrades 4A / 5A
Verizon Wireless
Network Equipment Center Expansion Upgrades 4A/ 5A
Location - Undisclosed
MEP / FP Design
Wick Fisher White provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection engineering services for a Verizon Wireless Network Equipment Center (NEC). The fifteen million dollar fast-tracked project included computer room air-conditioning units, smoke management systems, make-up air systems, fire suppression, fire alarm and new DDC controls. The existing data center and a portion of the mail center was removed along with all of the existing computer room raised flooring. A total of three new data center rooms were designed. One was a shell space for a future data room. The other two rooms had a 2-ft high raised floor. Two transport communication equipment rooms were built with 2-ft high raised floors. Four DC power rooms were built with only one to house power equipment and the other three were future power rooms. Two large DC battery rooms were built as well, one being future and the other to house back-up battery power for two of the DC power rooms. The designs provided for two AC power rooms and two corresponding AC battery rooms for back-up battery power to AC power rooms. There were mechanical corridors on either side of each of the above rooms with chilled water computer room air conditioning units, which served each space with redundancy. All battery rooms were installed with hydrogen exhaust systems. All the new spaces and corridors were served by a new air handling unit to provide cooling and ventilation throughout (NEC). New smoke exhaust systems were installed in the data rooms and the transport communication rooms. The existing electrical power switchgear room was modified to the new building power requirements. The existing back-up generator plant was slightly modified to provide back-up power to the new (NEC). New steel cable rack support systems were installed throughout with new DC cable racks to get the DC power from DC power rooms to all of the communications equipment. The existing chilled water plant was modified to provide chilled water cooling to the new (NEC) spaces as well as the Administration spaces for the next project.