Montgomery County Coroner's Facility
Montgomery County
New Construction
Norristown, PA
MEP/FP Design
Wick Fisher White completed MEP/FP design drawings for a new County Coroner's Office and Morgue for Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The new Coroner's facility will be a one-story, slab-on-grade building with a total floor area of approximately 21,700 SF. The building will essentially be split between administrative office space and the clinical morgue functions. The clinical spaces include three autopsy rooms, an x-ray room, a walk-in cooler and separate walk-in freezer, an enclosed drive-through/drop-off, and various support spaces.
Our team designed a current state-of-the-art facility by conducting multiple interviews with the County Coroner, visits to Coroner's facilities in nearby counties, and extensive research to determine best practices.
The MEP design includes several specialized features:
Built-in HVAC redundancy through the design of segregated systems.
Negative pressurization of the autopsy rooms.
Specialty exhaust for autopsy rooms and hazardous materials storage.
Hazardous materials drainage.
Complex security and alarm systems.