Magee Rehabilitation Hospital - Creative Therapy Center & Healing Garden
Magee Rehabilitation Hospital
Creative Therapy Center & Healing Garden
Philadelphia, PA
9,200 Sq. Ft.
MEP / FP Design
The Magee Rehabilitation Hospital is one of the leading facilities in the Philadelphia region whose mission is to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities by providing high quality physical and cognitive rehabilitation. The Healing Garden project provided a refreshed rooftop escape for patients to perform various rehabilitative functions, including gardening and painting as well as providing various surfaces and real world conditions to practice modality. The space included artificial turf, various pavers, ramps, mobility obstacles, such as pot holes, manhole covers, drainage grates, as well as a full size vehicle to learn how to get in and out.
Wick Fisher White performed the mechanical, electrical and plumbing design for the building interior renovations as well as roof scene updates, including landscape lighting power and controls, general duty power, water supply for automatic irrigation systems, new dry pipe sprinklers for the proposed three season porch and the changes required for the extension of the existing elevator from the fifth floor to the sixth floor.
Specifically, the renovation included a dedicated VAV box for each patient room, to be controlled along with room lighting and window shades through the Siemens Building Automation System (BAS). The project is unique in that it will include a patient interface for temperature, lighting and shade adjustment through the "Pillow Speaker"/remote, with adjustments to be displayed on the "Footwall"/TV. The patient rooms in are the first to include this level of automation and integration in North America. This project will help position Wick Fisher White among the innovators in the healthcare industry.